Queer author, husband, gamer, tea-drinker, emotional support person to an anxious chihuahua. He/him. Volunteer work includes Crisis Text Line, New York Cares, and Project Gutenberg. Theater degree that gets less and less use as the years go by, but still a proud member of theatrical collective The Nerve Tank. I try to keep it simple. I adore using ‘queer’ as a verb.

As an author I’m sort of starting over. Previous novellas as Mark William Lindberg have all been rereleased and are available here.

away from the mountain

Told in fragmented mini-chapters, ‘away from the mountain’ follows a cast of survivors as they navigate a ruined wintry landscape, come together, and fall apart. A nonlinear piece of meditative post-apocalyptica. (buy now for Amazon Kindle)

Queer on a Bench

Em sits down on a bench in the park and makes a deal with themself not to get up until something happens. What follows is a stationary epic that moves from stream of consciousness to daydream to memoir to playscript and digs into the origins of our very thoughts on queerness, religion, sex, gender, and public spaces.

(buy in paperback to appreciate the full original cover art by Daniel Joseph Durkin)

Forest Station

A clearing in the woods plays host to a steady stream of characters fleeing some unseen disaster. We change space. Space changes us. (buy now in paperback or for Kindle)

81 Nightmares

What could you know for sure about someone if all you could access was their dreams? True to its title, this work presents a stream of nightmares in which genderqueer photographer Jay confronts a terrifying figure they can only call ‘the monstrosity.’ (buy now in paperback or for Kindle)


Short stories

“In Our Cars” part of Best Gay Stories 2017, Lethe Press

Online fun

Panoply of D*struction at The Undertow (Twine-your-own-adventure) Choose who to follow through a queer rock show at The Undertow where surprises await everyone caught up in the drama…

Space Story Where You Do Things (Twine-your-own-adventure) You’re on assignment for your colony locating a precious new source of energy. Oops, you’re dead. Try again!

Short fictions and poetry on Wattpad @MWLind. Yes, during lockdown I tried to start an earnest Wattpad presence bringing quiet contemplation to a very noisy online space. Feel free to peruse!

theatereveryday (Tumblr fiction project from 2014, read it while it lasts!) Intertwining careers and existential crises in the world(s) of theater culminate in several figurative - and one literal - explosions. Written in daily installments over the course of a single year.

Email queeronabench at gmail dot com


Donate or Volunteer

Crisis Text Line (if you ever feel in crisis text HELP to 988 or 741-741)

New York Cares

Project Gutenberg